From yesterday’s Washington Post: One space between each sentence, they said. Science just proved them wrong.
Some reactions:
As has become commonplace, the headline is a little overzealous. The scientists behind the study probably wouldn’t use such strong language, and the rest of the article is a little more cautious in the language it uses when drawing conclusions from the research.
The researchers used a fixed-width/monospace typeface. To say that misses the point is an understatement. Even most of us one-space zealots admit that two spaces makes sense for monospace type.
One of the study’s authors says it’s still reasonable to infer from this that their results would also apply to proportional type, but her reasoning only makes sense if you don’t understand how fonts work, or the real reason one space makes more sense:
…the point of double-spacing is to make up for how monospace type looks weird and janky.
It’s about aesthetics.
The “benefits” of two spaces after a period were only observed in study participants who… wait for it… are people who usually type two spaces themselves. Maybe they didn’t actually learn anything about typography or font legibility, but rather about people being stuck in their own habits.
Major kudos to the Post article’s author, Avi Selk, and to whoever was responsible for formatting the online version. The piece uses a monospace font and all sorts of crazy spacing tricks to literally show instead of just tell. It’s thoughtful, creative, and very effective.
(And you gotta love the note at the end, which is — ironically enough — a nail in the coffin of the two-space argument: “Note: An earlier version of this story published incorrectly because, seriously, putting two spaces in the headline broke the web code.”)
Sorry, but the “science” doesn’t prove anything here. Lifehacker’s take on this is right on: “No, You Still Shouldn’t Put Two Spaces After a Period.”
A guy shot up a church in Texas today. Same shit, different day. Sigh.
If you’re pissed about the gun control debate (or lack thereof), sick of politicians who pray for the victims but don’t do anything to prevent it from happening again, disgusted by the polarization of public discourse in our country…
Stop posting about it on Facebook. You’re making it worse. We’re making it worse.
Because here’s the thing (and you know this): You’re typing into an echo chamber. No one who matters can hear you. Your heartfelt rant, your clever-yet-sad statements about politicians’ inability to act, or your tearful pleas about the tragedy of AR-15s… the only people reading them are people who already agree with you.
And it’s probably worse than that. The more we all post this kind of stuff, the better Facebook’s algorithm gets at making sure we don’t interact with anyone who disagrees. Every time we do this, we widen the chasm between red and blue, and we help foment the very things that are destroying America.
And while it’s easy to blame Facebook, let’s be honest with ourselves. We’re the ones killing our democracy. Because we eat this stuff up. We love having our own feelings validated, our opinions affirmed, our worldviews confirmed to be correct.
But if you want this madness to stop, if you want to actually do something about the evil madman in the White House, if you care about gun legislation and women’s right to choose about their own bodies and an economy that doesn’t just serve the rich and people’s right to marry whomever they love… don’t post about it on Facebook. When we do, we’re not just wasting our breath. We’re making it all worse by digging ourselves deeper into our trenches. We’re giving Trump and the Russians and Fox News and InfoWars fertile ground to sow mistrust and disunity and polarization.
Instead, go out and talk to someone who doesn’t share your views. Write checks to candidates in contested districts, or volunteer your time to make phone calls for them. Go to a gun store and learn something about these things you want to ban but that so much of this country can’t stop buying. Run for office. Just whatever you do… stop fueling the echo chamber.
(As for me, from now on Facebook is for snarky comments about sports, adorable pictures of my kids, and giving tech advice to friends. No more politics. Because I can’t trust Facebook’s algorithms not to screw up our country even more and I refuse to be a part of it.)
Canon Rumors ( says the new EOS 6D Mk II will be limited to 1080p video. It’ll have some upgrades — Bluetooth, a new image processor, 45 autofocus points — and it’ll cost $1999.
Sorry, but Canon should (and probably will) get slammed for this. To release a $2,000 (body only!) camera in 2017 that doesn’t do 4k is just inexcusable. For that kind of money you could buy impressive camera hardware from several other manufacturers that performs virtually as well for still photography and shoots video in 4k… more than two years ago. Canon can keep insisting on shipping devices that are clearly focused on either photo or video. And that might fly for pro equipment, where that kind of focus pays dividends. But the 6D is a consumer (or maybe a pro-sumer) camera, and as such it has to compete with Nikon, Sony, Panasonic, Olympus, and Fuji. All of them have figured out 4k for cameras at this price point, and Canon should, too. End of story.
The short version: This article from MacWorld UK is wrong. A US-purchased unlocked iPhone 6 works just fine in the UK. (If that’s all you wanted to know, I figured I’d spare you the details. If you want to know more, read on…) Read More
Just text me, ok?
Please Do Not Leave A Message: Why Millennials Hate Voice Mail:
We’ve all heard that automated voice mail lady, telling us what to do after the beep. But fewer people than ever are leaving messages. And the millennials, they won’t even listen to them — they’d much rather receive a text or Facebook message.
So true. I really really hate voicemail.
I backed a Kickstarter campaign. And it paid off, which is to say that I eventually received an actual product in the mail. Here it is, ladies and gentlemen: the Almond+ wifi router. (Pics inside.)
Instagram’s new Hyperlapse app is amazing.
Basically, it stabilizes video as it shoots it (or soon thereafter) and allows you to play back at various speeds. It’s timelapse photography in super-smooth mode, or a replacement for a very expensive video stabilization rig.
The secret, according to a Wired profile, is that the app doesn’t try to stabilize with anything like the fancy (and very processor-intensive) software found in high-end video production software. Rather, it uses data from the iPhone’s built-in gyroscopes to simply adjust for movement.
My initial reaction to the app was (a) wonderment, and (b) hopefulness that the app would let me import media (like, um, from my GoPro?).
After reading the Wired article, it’s clear that the Hyperlapse app won’t work with imported material, since the whole point is that it records the gyroscopic data as it’s recording (and adjusts the video accordingly).
But what if…
For this to work, you need to be able to precisely (!) sync the gyroscope’s data with the video. For that reason, I’m wondering if the app might record audio, which the post-processing desktop app could use to sync the recorded data’s time with the footage. As you begin recording, it could even emit a beep or clapper sound or something similar that would be picked up by the video camera’s mic. (The desktop app could know to look for that precise sound.)
Or… we could sync even easier. Both my GoPro and my Canon 6D can be controlled by corresponding iPhone apps. What if the gyroscope data collection was simply built into those apps. Then, you could trigger recording on the camera direct from the phone and simultaneously begin recording the data needed for stabilization.
I have no idea what kind of patent that Instagram (err… Facebook) has on this tech. My point is that this one amazing innovation has the potential to be a big-time game changer, since all the other pieces already exist (or, in the case of the desktop app, should be doable by applying existing tech). With something like I described above, you could replace an expensive stabilization rig with an iPhone, a mounting bracket, and some simple (ish) software.
Lets say that for some reason you needed a SATA cable or two. Or six. You think to yourself, “I guess I should head down to the store,” or you mozy your online self over to Monoprice or Amazon or whatever.
Yeah. Don’t do that. I’m pretty sure I have twenty extras laying around. They’re angled and I needed straight, or I already bought some and hooked them up before opening up the mounting cage to find that it came with five, or they’re just attracted to me… I don’t know. Somehow I ended up with more SATA cables than any one person could use in a lifetime. And how did I end up with six or seven extra case fans in various sizes?
While I’m at it, I’m pretty sure I have dozens of HDMI, DVI, and DisplayPort cables. And USB (3.0 and 2.0) cables in the hundreds. And at least a couple extra Thunderbolt cables. Don’t even get me started on 4‑pin Molex power cables.
Moral of the story: If you need any of this stuff, message/email/call/text. Most of it’s free to anyone who’ll give it a good home. (OK… I can’t give away the Thunderbolt cables for free. But the rest.) Think the cable/adapter/dongle you need is insanely obscure? I probably have six of them. Try me.
Found the above pic in Maurice Sendak’s strange counting book One Was Johnny.
What’s weird is that he looks an awful lot like Freddie (at right), the mascot for MailChimp.
This incarnation of Freddie has been around since 2008, but it seems he was born August 17, 2001. So the monkey in Sendak’s book has got to be a different mail-delivering primate. In case you’re unfamiliar, MailChimp does awesome email marketing (and email newsletters, and that kind of thing). It’s one of my favorite software-as-a-service companies. If you’re using ConstantContact, there are about a gazillion reasons to switch. (If that sounds scary, I can help.)
Anyway, I’ve decided that Sendak’s mail monkey must be Freddie’s dad, since it would make sense that he’d go into the family business.
Look at those two. They just gotta be related.
Today is Israel’s independence day, if you’re Gregorically inclined. That’s because Ben Gurion declared independence on May 14, 1948.
Of course, he declared on that day that the new country’s independence would be effective the following day, immediately following the termination of the British Mandate. So if you’re celebrating the declaration, today’s the day on the Gregorian calendar. If you’re celebrating independence itself, then I suppose you should hold off til tomorrow. Yom HaAtzma’ut, he official state holiday in Israel (and the corresponding holiday for Jews living elsewhere) is commemorated on the fifth day of Iyar, or on the sixth day of the month if it turns out that Yom HaAtzma’ut (or the day before it — Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day) would fall on Shabbat.
This year, Israel celebrated its own independence on Tuesday, May 6, which was the sixth day of the month of Iyar. Had they celebrated on the fifth, then Yom HaZikaron would have fallen on Shabbat. So they pushed em both up a day. How do I know all this? Well…
This just in from Google: You can now display Hebrew calendar dates (alongside the normal Gregorian headings) in Google Calendar on the web. To enable it:
Now, you should see Hebrew dates alongside the English ones in your calendar.
On some days I feel like I’m in awash in awesome online tools… I’ll discover one, and then it’ll lead me to another, and then another. Before I know it, I’ve signed up for twelve cool services that promise to make me more productive, creative, organized, inspired. ((To clarify, by “awesome,” I mean: clever, time-saving, fun-to-use, useful, innovative.))
I finally signed up for a kippt account today. Good timing.
This marks the end of the journey for us at Kippt. Although our service has been loved by many, we never achieved the growth and the scale that would allow a sustainable future for Kippt. Building personal knowledge online continues to be a unsolved problem. While we are switching directions, we hope that Kippt and Inc have contributed to the future of online collaboration and knowledge sharing.
My Students Don’t Know How to Have a Conversation:
As I watched my class struggle, I came to realize that conversational competence might be the single-most overlooked skill we fail to teach students. Kids spend hours each day engaging with ideas and one another through screens—but rarely do they have an opportunity to truly hone their interpersonal communication skills. Admittedly, teenage awkwardness and nerves play a role in difficult conversations. But students’ reliance on screens for communication is detracting—and distracting—from their engagement in real-time talk.
We’re really, really fucking this up.
But we can fix it, I swear. We just have to start telling each other the truth. Not the doublespeak bullshit of regulators and lobbyists, but the actual truth. Once we have the truth, we have the power — the power to demand better not only from our government, but from the companies that serve us as well. “This is a political fight,” says Craig Aaron, president of the advocacy group Free Press. “When the internet speaks with a unified voice politicians rip their hair out.”
We can do it. Let’s start.